Monday, January 24, 2011

Fix Marriage - The Best Getting Back Together Advice

The best getting back together advice will never be just black and white. It never says that in order to get back together with your boyfriend or girlfriend you need to do this or that. Instead, it will offer tips that you can try to help you get back together. To fix marriage or fix relationship woes.

The reason it's never black and white is because the same methods won't work for every person. There are too many variables and too many different reasons why people might have broken up. People are just different and so the same things aren't going to work with every couple.

If you're trying to get back together there are some things that you can try and usually at least one or two of them will have better results than the rest. One of the best pieces of advice for getting back together is to make sure that you really want to get back together. While this might sound silly, it's something very important to consider.

Too often, the urge to get back together is instinctive and it's never really examined. Someone has broken up with you and you want them back. Something you had was taken away from you, and it's perfectly natural to want it back.

But it's also very important to make sure that that's what's best for you and that's what you really want. Sometimes we lose things that weren't good for us in the first place. And you have to consider that that's a possibility when it comes to this relationship. If you examine your motives carefully and you decide you really do want to get back together, then there are some things to try.

The first thing to do, and this is true no matter why you broke up, is to look at what you're doing and do something different. If you've been begging the person to come back to you, that approach is obviously not working. Stop it.

If you haven't been doing that then maybe a more aggressive approach is called for. This is true especially if you've been trying to get back together with the person for a long time. Do something completely opposite of what you've been doing and that will get their attention if nothing else. And getting their attention is the first step in getting them back.

Try to think of why you got together in the first place. Now compare that with your behavior today. If you were easy-going and not suspicious or jealous, have you been acting that way lately?

It's important to make them remember why they fell in love with you in the first place. Get back to that type of behavior and remind them why they want to be with you.

Another important piece of getting back together advice that can help you, is to simply treat the other person with extreme respect. Treat them with as much respect and politeness as you can. This will impress them with your sincerity and remind them why they want to be with you.

If you want to fix marriage or fix relationship woes, these getting back together advice tips will help get you started.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Build Trust - 7 Ways to Build Trust in Your Relationship

Here is an article that I published at Ezine Articles a few short months ago that quickly climbed to the top of my "article hit list". With the number of readers who have clicked on and read it, I can assure you that it gives value in helping your marriage relationship. Please give it a read and see if you can Fix Marriage and get the magic back in your relationship.

Here it is:

I'm going to go ahead and list 7 concrete ways to build trust in a relationship, and they may NOT be the things you think of first. For example, do you think that one of the ways is to always "change things up", to have fresh ideas, or to "spice" things up? No! Being predictable, or consistent, is way more important than always surprising someone with something different. Relationships need to have a certain amount of predictability, of consistency, to build that level of trust in a relationship.

If you want your relationship to grow stronger by improving the level of trust, the following seven methods will definitely help you do so.

First, as mentioned above, you need to be consistent, even predictable, in your dealings with each other. Many people think that "spicing" things up and constantly bringing new things to the relationship will keep the romance alive; and while that is not a bad thing occasionally; to build the trust levels in your relationship, you need to stay predictable! Surprising your partner with a small gift or having a surprise date night will be nice, but consistency is the key to making your relationship work. Build the trust by being consistent on a day to day basis.

Next, be aware of your body language! Is it matching what comes out of your mouth? Are you telling your partner that you agree with him/her but have your arms crossed over your chest? If your body language isn't matching what you are saying, the mixed message will not install trust in your relationship and will not help you to mend what needs mending. Be honest with what you are saying and it will match the signals your body gives out. This is another step in the building trust process.

Third - One of the most destructive things that can happen in a relationship is to keep secrets from each other. Secrets destroy all trust in a committed relationship and doesn't give you anywhere to turn, but away from each other. Be honest and open with each other. Communication really is key to a terrific relationship and "secrets" don't belong anywhere in it.

Fourth, are you giving your partner the trust that you are asking back from them? Trust is a two way street. Look to yourself to ensure that what you are asking for from your partner is also being given to them by you. After all, if you don't trust them, why should they trust you?

Fifth, stick up for yourself. Sometimes you may need to say "no" to what is asked of you. To always say "yes" no matter what is not a good thing. If you never say "no", it erodes the respect that your partner has for you. You essentially become a doormat. Don't let this happen to you. Your partner will respect you more and it is another building block where you can build trust in your relationship.

Sixth - In keeping with the communication theme from above; you both need to realize that you are not mind readers! Let your partner know what your needs are. Don't them them guess, just tell them straight out. Be honest. As long as your needs are not selfish, it won't hurt the relationship and the stress of trying to guess, but still feeling like you are not getting it right, will harm the trust in that relationship. Just be open about what your needs are and ask what their needs are in return. At that point, you then know exactly what some of the things that you need to work on are, with no guess work required.

Seventh, and finally, don't be afraid to grow and change. If you keep building the trust between the two of you, if you keep communicating, and if you always place their interests before your own (if you BOTH do this, you will always win! Always!) your relationship will strengthen. It will grow so strong that any problems that crop up will be dealt with easily by the two of you. Consult with each other and really listen to what each other is saying. Work on the solution and get an agreement of what you will both do to confront the adversity you are facing.

I'm not saying that these seven steps will be easy or not cause any pain at all. At least some of them will bring discomfort, and sometimes real pain, to the relationship. By utilizing communication and addressing concerns head on TOGETHER and building those trust levels, what was once difficult will become much easier to deal with.

Whether you are married and trying to save your marriage, are in a committed partnership that needs help, or you are trying to get your ex back, you'll find reference material to help you out at

Article Source:

Michelle Lacroix Toro - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Breaking Up Is So Painful! Fix Your Marriage and Save the Relationship!

Yes, Fixing Your Marriage is not that difficult when you have a helping hand showing you the way!

If you want to save your marriage, your relationship, stop the divorce, or any of the above, check out The Magic Of Making Up and find out how to fix your marriage today!

What have you got to lose when your marriage is already in trouble? Take a look through the material and see how it feels.

Good luck. I'm rooting for you!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

On the Verge of Breaking Up or Separating?

Kicking and screaming or begging and pleading is NOT the best way for you to get your spouse back when you are having marriage problems. No matter how much you want to, it is not the best way for you to communicate with your estranged spouse, just don't do it!

Take a moment to read the following article and you'll see what a better option for you would be.

First things first. Appear to be in control of your emotions! Do NOT act desperate, needy, or emotional! This won't make your spouse want to spend time with you, but will make them back away so fast you won't see the door shut, but you'll hear the SLAM!

Has your spouse accused you of being needy? Change that image they have of you and appear to be in control. Notice I stated "appear". Because you are upset and your emotions are all over the place, you probably won't be able to BE in control, but to APPEAR to be in control is a start to opening the doors of communication.

Is your spouse talking about leaving? Talking about divorce? This may be hard to understand at first, but agree with the separation or the breakup.

Yes, I know you probably won't want to, but agreeing to do so, in a calm manner, will shake them up and make them look differently at you. Just agree FOR NOW!

Now that they've left the home or you are in the middle of a separation, what do you do? Do you call them? Do you leave messages? Do you do a "drive by" past their new place of residence? NO! Leave them alone! Give them space and give yourself some time to plan your course of action.

While driving them nuts by constantly calling, leaving messages or text messaging definitely will NOT get them back in your life, giving them their space right after a break up WILL open up a door for you to get back with your spouse or ex.

Remember, one of the golden rules in life is that we all "want what we can't have". Giving them their space is rooted deeply in this golden rule. Your spouse or ex hasn't heard from you since the breakup and they are wondering WHY? They haven't forgotten you, in fact, you are making them think of YOU even more this way! They are wondering WHY you haven't called them? Don't you care? Don't you miss them? WHY? WHY? WHY? This is definitely where you want them to be.

Take this time apart to shore yourself up. Do some things that YOU like to do. Go out with a friend, go shopping, go fishing, (do anything you like to do!) or help someone else who is having a hard time. Helping someone else who is in a bad situation will help you to see that while you are in an unhappy place in your life, there are always others who have it worse than you. It helps with the perspective of things.

Stay busy! If you stay busy, it's easier to talk yourself out of "maybe they want to hear my voice" and you blow all of your hard work. Finish that project you started last year, take up a new hobby, visit someone you haven't seen in a long time. Just stay busy!

While you are giving yourself some time to think and smooth out your emotions, the same thing is happening with your spouse. They have been thinking about you and, because you haven't been demanding, needy, and emotional, they are starting to wonder why they broke up with you.

Give it about a month before you even think of making contact with them.

After giving it about a month of not calling your spouse or ex, it's time to call them and talk.

Do you know what to say? Do you want to KNOW what to say?

Tips on WHAT to say and HOW to say them at Fix My Marriage or you can go to

Article Source:


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fix Marriage - More Resources Available To You

If you are looking for more information on how to Fix Marriage or how to fix your relationship, then head on over to Fix Marriage and see WHAT needs to be in a special letter to send to your ex to get them interested in you again. There is also a list of "Do's and Don'ts" that you'll want to pay attention to if you are interested in Fixing Your Marriage.

Most people just act on what their emotions are telling them to do after a break up, and those actions couldn't be any further WRONG~!

Find out what you really need to do to turn your marriage or relationship around.

Click Here For Even MORE Information:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Train Your Man (or Woman!) by T "Dub" Jackson - Video

Hey, Everyone,
T "Dub" just sent out another video that I thought you'd be interested in about "Training Your Man (or Woman)". Check it out and tell me what you think about it, ok?

Remember, if you are interested in the full version of The Magic of Making Up, just Click Here.

That said, here's the video I mentioned earlier. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

FREE REPORT - Great Dates While You Are On a Budget

ok, Here is the FREE REPORT I promised you. I decided to put the free report in a blog format so it would be readily available at any time and I figured it would complement my Fix Marriage website.

For those of you who would like to give your relationship another chance, your marriage another shot in the arm, please check out The Magic of Making Up and let me know how you are doing with it.

It really would make me feel good to hear how many of you are able to save your marriages and relationships through an offer I made on my blog.

Be happy with each other!

Now go to the next post to read your FREE REPORT (there are FIVE sections, make sure you read them all!)
