Tuesday, January 26, 2010

FREE REPORT - Great Dates While You Are On a Budget

ok, Here is the FREE REPORT I promised you. I decided to put the free report in a blog format so it would be readily available at any time and I figured it would complement my Fix Marriage website.

For those of you who would like to give your relationship another chance, your marriage another shot in the arm, please check out The Magic of Making Up and let me know how you are doing with it.

It really would make me feel good to hear how many of you are able to save your marriages and relationships through an offer I made on my blog.

Be happy with each other!

Now go to the next post to read your FREE REPORT (there are FIVE sections, make sure you read them all!)


FREE REPORT - Fun Dates On A Budget - Charitable Related Section


This won’t be a first few dates category, you’ll have to know the person a little bit before you do these, but you’ll get to know the “true” person inside by going to places like this with your date.

Ok, this is one of those categories that just doesn’t fit in with anything else, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. I’m not sure why, but not many people will freely own up to liking the feeling they get when they do something nice for someone else with no intention of getting a reward.

My husband and I watch “Extreme Makeover” every Sunday night because we like the feeling we get when we see people that don’t have much, those that have gotten a bad deal in life, get help in the way of a fresh new start with a new home. Man oh man, you never appreciate what you have so much as when you see others with so little and not complain.

Here are a few suggestions for “dates” that will make both of you appreciate what you have, no matter how little you think you have, because you’ll see others with so much less and still appreciating life.

Habitat for Humanity - WOW! Plan for the entire day, wear old clothes you have no problem getting dirty, bring gloves, and be ready to work like you’ve never worked! (just kidding, although you do stay pretty busy). Habitat for Humanity provides lunch and drinks so all you have to do is bring your two hands ready to work at whatever they tell you to do. You might tile (they show what to do every step of the way), you might paint, you might plant bushes, and you might just dig holes for mailboxes. You’ll spend the day with others who want to help those less fortunate and leave feeling like a million bucks. Exhausted, but feeling like you are on cloud nine because someone else is one day closer to having a better, safer life.

Soup Kitchens - Your bigger towns and cities especially will have these nearby. Help is always needed to assist in the distribution of food at these kitchens. You could spend an hour or a few hours, but help is always needed. HINT: if you have an extra couple cans/boxes of non-perishable food in your cabinets or pantry that you can donate, it is always appreciated. No matter how little you think you have, there are many, many others who have much less than you do.

Shelters - Most of the time, you won’t be able to just walk on in to these places. You’ll have to be completely screened and vetted before you get in the door, but if you are willing to take the time to do so, your heart will just swell up when the abuse, the neglect, the indifference that some people have endured, sometimes for many years, is right there smack in your face. These people need help! They need to know that there are others out there who CARE and who want to help them. I’ve brought in handmade quilts and bibs for the babies, brought in suits appropriate for interviews/work that I am no longer able to wear for those entering the work force, I’ve babysat children so their mother can go to that interview. You can read stories to the kids, teach an adult to read, and give basic lessons on how to use a computer. It doesn’t matter what you help with, it’s all needed. HINT: leave the nice clothes and jewelry at home, and don’t go bringing any attitude to these types of places. The people who live there have seen plenty of attitude and it wasn’t any of the right kind. Bring your heart, bring sincerity, and bring willingness to help with what is needed to assist another through the crisis they are in at the time. What your date and you will see in each other during a few hours spent here will show you more about each other than a hundred “dates” anywhere else. Beauty and youth last only so long, a loving helpful heart is there for life.

Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Talk about making others feel good, go visit someone who can’t get around to see their family and friends. Again, rules have changed in the last few years and because of safety concerns, you may need to go through a screening and vetting process before you are able to visit those not related to you. Check with each specific hospital or nursing home you’d like to visit to get the exact rules.

Do you have talented friends or family members who can sing or dance? Do you have a great reading voice where you’d be willing to spend time reading to a person or to a group? Are you the bubbly type who loves to get people excited about being in a game of some sort (name that tune, spelling bees, etc.)
Call a local nursing home and set up a time where a few of you can get together and do a short “review” of song and dance, add a reading, tell a few jokes (clean, of course!), get some people smiling!

Ok, Folks, that’s the list that came from brain storming last night with some friends about where to go and what to do for dates when you’re on a budget. I’m sure we’ll be thinking of other things in the near future and I’ll be adding them to this list and freshening it up.

Hope this report has been helpful to you in getting good ideas about dates that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Also, if it’s the ex you’re wanting to get back to dating, check out The Magic of Making Up because there is a right way and a wrong way to get your ex back. What you did before didn’t work, so you might want to try it This Way and watch what happens.

FREE REPORT - Fun Dates On A Budget - Interactive Related Section

Interactive Events

Wine Tasting - Do you have a wine and spirits store close by? They may offer wine tasting events. They may even offer classes on how to make certain mixed drinks.

Beer Brewing - Many ale houses offer customers a chance on certain nights to see how beer is made. This is actually a fun process to view and definitely rates up there as a “different date”. You will both end up having a good time.

Book Signings - Are either of you readers? Is your favorite author coming to town and doing a book signing? I’ve only done this a few times, but when I know it’s an author I really enjoy reading and I have a book already from this author on my shelves, heck, yeah! It’s something you already have and you are adding value in the way of having an authentic signature in your book. HINT: Keep your ears peeled as you usually have some unusual people at these events and it’s great to hear the stories being passed around.

Art Galleries - If either of you is into art, check out the internet and see what’s available in your area. It doesn’t cost anything, you get to see some awesome stuff and it gives you a chance to get to know each other’s taste in art. Finish off your date by getting a cup of coffee or an ice cream afterwards.

Do you live near a port? Living in Southern Florida, I have access to the Miami Seaport close by. Hopping into the car and going to the port to watch the cruise ships come in or go out and waving to everyone sounds hokey, but it’s fun! We usually walk on South Beach afterwards or get an ice cream. Hey, it’s something to do and you get to talk about where you’ve been or where you’d like to go. If you and your date get serious later on, you’ll know where she’d like to visit, right?

Local Concerts - Do you have a local park where they hold free concerts?
You can usually find these in the Sunday sections of your local newspaper under “local happenings”. (In Southern Florida, this is actually in the Friday paper)

Local Park? We have about 6 good sized parks nearby to where I live and they all offer different classes/courses/lessons at different times. Tennis, swimming, shuffleboard, basketball . . . You name it, we’ve seen signs as we pass by of free lessons available at different times of the year.

We also have one of the parks that have those BIG water slides to play on during the hot months. If you go at a certain time of the day it can be less expensive and then there are the weekends where they advertise “resident rates” and you can enjoy playing/sliding the whole day for a very inexpensive fee. So it may be worth your while to check out the local parks in your area to see what they offer and when.

FREE REPORT - Fun Dates On A Budget - Arts/Crafts Related Section


Flower Markets - Now, not all places have these, but if you happen to have one nearby, these are wonderful to walk through. And they don’t cost anything except for the recommended flower for your lady to hold while you are walking past all the flower markets. J

Art and/or Craft Fairs - At different times of the year, there seem to be Art Fairs and Craft Fairs galore! Very rarely is there a fee attached to either one of these and, especially if they are well planned, these can be very fun to attend. There’s plenty to see, often there are activities offered alongside the Fair, and there are usually concession stands of some kind. They may be inside or outside, but overall, these are fun to go to. HINT: Bring a camera, you never know what you’ll see. It seems like the most unique people go to these events, so have that camera out and ready! The people watching at these type of events is priceless.

Craft Lessons - ok, guys, now don’t get wiggy on me on this one. “Craft” is a very loose way of saying “handmade” and this could be THE DATE your date will remember for a long time! THIS DATE will earn you the major brownie points that will have your friends wondering why you pull in the ladies ALL THE TIME! Cause girls TALK! Pay attention to THIS ONE SUGGESTION . . .

Ok, you probably won’t be able to have this as your first date, because you need to know just a little bit about the lady you’re dating. First of all, does she LIKE crafts of any kind at all? (If your lady doesn’t like any of this stuff, then you are so off the hook, Fellas!)

Suggestions on what to ask . . .

Do you like: Beading? Flower arranging? Sewing? Scrap booking? Woodworking? Painting? Plants? Picture Framing? Writing? Pottery? Cooking? Baking? Origami? Wood Burning? Whittling?

These are just a couple ideas I came up with, but if you can get her talking about hobbies, LISTEN TO WHAT SHE’S SAYING! Listen to the clues!

I’m going to give you an example so you know what to do and where to look. Your date likes plants but admits that she kills them off because she doesn’t know how to take care of them properly. I mean, each plant has their own needs, right?

Ok, so now you know she likes plants. Maybe you know the area you live in real well and know where the local nurseries are, maybe you don’t. If not, get on your computer and find out where all the local nurseries/plant
stores are. If the information you’re looking for isn’t on their web page, call them or email them asking if they offer any “plant care” classes. I’ve seen “orchid”, “cactus”, and “bonsai” classes offered here at one of our local nurseries. It’s free to join, you get to learn something you’re interested in, and it’s a different kind of date! Not the same thing as everyone else goes on!

Ok, another example. You hear her say she has an old rocker that came from her Granddad, but it’s not in the best condition. Why not check out Lowe’s or Home Depot (or a million other hardware/building type of store) and find out when the next refinishing class might be? Or check out your local craft store (AC Moore, Joanne’s Fabrics, Michaels, etc.) There are lots of resources out there for this type of stuff. Again, just Google “free wood finishing classes” and go from there. It’s a class you can take together, it won’t cost you anything, and she’ll be able to refinish that old rocket so it looks brand new again. Sounds like Brownie Points to me!

What I’m trying to get you to understand here is that there are LOTS of stores of all kinds that offer FREE LESSONS on all kinds of things that you can use as a platform for a date.

A cooking class “might” cost you $40 for the two of you to go to, but you can count on 6-8 (or maybe more) “dates” where the two of you learn how to cook whatever. You get to plan on the next 6-8 Tuesday nights (or whichever day of the week for however many weeks it lasts) where you’ll be seeing that special person and doing something different, something interesting, something you can actually use the rest of your life.

Classes that don’t fit into the “arts/crafts” category, but these might be good ideas for dates . . .

Either of you have a dog that needs to be trained? Dog training classes are so inexpensive it’s not funny! You could both go and learn some great skills and end up with a Fido that listens for a change.

Fishing, anyone? Many local tackle markets offer these free. (Bass Pro Shops, Trading Posts, etc.) How to build lures, how to cast, how to properly fillet a fish, how to pick out the right reel, and on and on.

Self defense classes? YMCA’s offer these for free as do many Police Departments. There are classes specifically for women out there, but there are many where you can go as a couple. These are wonderful classes to take as it builds up a ladies’ confidence and will generate trust towards you.

Pool or table tennis? Many sports stores will offer classes on how to properly play pool or table tennis for free. Of course, they are ultimately hoping you really enjoy what you’re doing so you end up buying their stuff, but these are great learning experiences that can be really fun. And, hey, there are local pool halls if it’s something you both end up enjoying, right? And while those dates wouldn’t be “free”, they are still very inexpensive.

Candy or Chocolate Shop? Do you have a local candy shop or chocolate shop that shows you how they make their fudge? These are fun to watch and learn from and getting a piece of fudge that you just watched being made isn’t too expensive afterwards.

FREE REPORT - Fun Dates On A Budget - Active Related Section


Bike riding - whether it’s through a neighborhood or you bring your bikes to a groomed bike path, this is a great date! It’s not so physical that you can’t talk while you are riding and you get to view some scenery (look on the internet and find a really nice bike path; a local park, through the woods, along the cliffs, close to the water, a beach walk, etc.). To make a good impression, make sure you have some bottled water and a snack (apples?) for when you take a breather. HINT: Before you leave home, wet a facecloth with cold water, wring it out just a little and place it in a sandwich baggy to bring with you. Your date will appreciate having a cool, wet cloth to wipe her face and hands with before she snacks on whatever you brought to eat. It’s a small thing that will be remembered for quite a while!

Pool time - whether it’s a private pool or a local, public pool, spending an hour or so swimming, floating, and lounging in water while you’re chatting can make for a very nice time. If it’s a local, public pool, check BEFORE you get there to see if they offer towel service, if not, don’t forget to bring towels. If it’s an outside pool, don’t forget to have sunscreen available. If there is no concession stand, ensure you bring water to drink, and maybe a snack if you’re going to be there for a while. HINT: Don’t let your tongue hang down to the floor! Just because she’s in a bathing suit and is looking HOT, don’t make her uncomfortable! It’s appropriate to let her know that you think she looks great and that you’re glad to be spending time with her, but don’t ruin it . . . Don’t gawk!

Take a Walk - Go Rollerblading - ok, these two I’m lumping together, and there are probably a million more things that will fit into this category. These are just the two that I’ve actually done and have had friends do and we all had a blast!

For both of these, do a little research and find out where would be the most scenic.

Depending upon where you live, you’ll have different options.

I live in Southern Florida where there’s water everywhere you look. We love walking on the beach at dawn and/or dusk looking for shells and unique rocks so we usually have a small net bag with us for whatever we pick up. We always have bottled water and if we’re celebrating (learn to celebrate LIFE, there is always something to celebrate!), we bring 2 plastic cups (no glass at the beach!) and some wine or juice. We just roll up the pant cuffs, grab each others hand, and start walking at the edge of the water splashing away. We get some great exercise, we do lots of talking, and we de-stress all at the same time. This is a FANTASTIC DATE! HINT: Don’t forget a towel to wipe your feet before you get back into the car!

You may live in a land locked area, so hit the woods! Rollerblading won’t work there (unless there’s a walk/bike path available) but same rules apply. Always bring water and a snack, cool wet cloth is always appreciated, and it may be a good idea to have a small, basic first aid kit attached to a belly pack or small backpack if you’re going to be some distance from your vehicle.

Maybe you live near a school or large library that has a park or a field where you can walk, jog, or rollerblade. The internet is a wonderful tool to find out what’s available in your area. Use it and you’ll find LOTS of places to visit that won’t cost anything or very little. Take advantage of all that’s offered.

FREE REPORT - Fun Dates On A Budget - Food Related Section


Times are tough right now and money is tight. Is there anyone who is NOT feeling the money crunch right now?

Where does that leave you when you’ve just met the most incredible person and want to go on a date? Or you and your spouse still have “date night” (if you don’t, you should!) Or you’re back with your ex and one of the complaints was “we never go anywhere!” So you KNOW you have to do something!

You want to go on LOTS of dates to spend time with this person, but you don’t have a lot of cash left over after all the bills are paid, and maybe all the bills can’t even get paid. It happens and more often than most people realize.

You want to be with this person more often, maybe all the time, but there’s no cash left over in the wallet . . .

Well . . .

I asked a few of my friends if we could brainstorm a bit and we came up with some GREAT DATE IDEAS!

These will all cost either VERY LITTLE or NOTHING AT ALL!

And, best of all, you get to spend time with that special person you’ve just met that you’re crazy about and really want to know better. It could be your spouse or partner that you want to show off and you just want to have fun with. Or maybe it’s your ex and you KNOW you have to go out more because she told you that was one of the problems . . .

So, what are you waiting for?

Continue on and find out where you’re going to be taking that special person!
Here we go . . .

Ok, I tried to split these up a bit into categories and some of them just didn’t want to fit into a “box”. Hmmm, you’ll see what I mean!

Also, most of this seems targeted towards the men, but it really is for the ladies, too. Putting both phrases like him/her, your lady/your man, it just didn’t look good in the text and it definitely didn’t flow well, so, my apologies, Ladies, but I think the men need more help than you do, so I did target it towards them. J

Have fun!

Food Related

Picnics - ok, this “date” is so overlooked, I just don‘t get it! It’s easy, it’s not expensive, you get to spend time with each other and get to know each other’s likes and dislikes. You can make it fancy with wine glasses and wine (make sure you bring clean glasses!), fancy food that you cooked the night before and put in portable containers, and a nice dessert or you can go casual with hearty sandwiches or subs and a few cans of soda or juice. Bag a couple cookies for dessert and you’re good! HINT: Don’t forget a nice thick quilt to sit on AND bring a board game or a deck of cards. Playing board games seems to be something that only kids do anymore and with the advent of video games, that doesn’t happen as much anymore either. And it’s too bad, you learn a lot about each other by playing board games.

Show her you can cook - WOW - My husband and I have some guy friends who are still single and this sort of “date” is the one the friends say impresses the ladies the most. I have one friend, Andrew, who says he is world famous for his lasagna. By the way, he’s tying the knot soon (he still claims it was the lasagna that did it!)

Dessert Night - Think of a fancy dessert that both of you enjoy, find a recipe for it in a book or on the internet and go pick up the ingredients at the local market. Make it together and while it’s cooling or cooking (or whatever!) pop in a new video release into the VCR or DVD player and watch a movie.
No stress, relaxing, and low key date.

Save Your Relationship - 7 Steps To Save Your Relationship

7 Steps on How to Save a Relationship

Example:  Dave works long hours and Beth doesn’t feel he is there for her or the kids. Beth spends all of her time meeting the children’s needs and Dave feels that she doesn’t have time for his needs? Can this relationship be saved? Should it be saved? Here’s how you might save this relationship.

First, you have to decide whether the relationship is worth saving. While almost every relationship can be saved with hard work, both parties must decide that they want to make it work. Because if a partner has opted out and doesn’t want to opt back in, there is little that can be done.

There are many people who stay in a relationship because it is convenient or remain in a marriage because of the children. But that is really not enough. How to save a relationship starts with a commitment by both parties that the relationship is worth saving.  Needs from both parties need to be addressed.

Next, you must pinpoint the problem or problems in a relationship. One of the biggest problems in how to save a relationship is that people believe the symptoms of the problem are the problem itself.

For instance, many people think an affair is a problem that causes break ups. In truth, the affair is a symptom of a deeper problem. For instance, a lack of true intimacy may lead to a straying spouse. While most people look at the affair as the problem, the underlying cause of the affair was the lack of intimacy in the primary relationship. If you do not deal with the lack of intimacy, you might be able to keep another affair from starting through the use of guilt, but another problem (for instance pornography) could pop up because you haven’t dealt with the core issue.
When you start to deal with core issues rather than symptoms, you can save the relationship.

Once you have identified the core problems, you can begin to share your thoughts. This means both verbalizing your own feelings and listening to your partner’s concerns. Hold your partner’s hand when you are talking about your problems as a signal that you want to reconnect even when your emotions are swirling. When your partner talks about things that hurt you remember that he or she is not doing it because he or she wants to hurt you. Rather it is because they want to improve the relationship.  It takes work, but you can do this.

Once you have detailed the problems in your relationship, create an action plan to solve them. Then, take concrete steps on your action plan. If you don’t spend time together like you used to, plan a date night every week. Take turns coming up with creative ways to spend an evening together each Wednesday. If not communicating is the problem, commit to spending 20 minutes before going to bed just talking to one another. And, then do it.

Finally, you should realize that saving a relationship is an ongoing process. You are going to take two steps forward only to take one step back. There is going to be both laughter and tears going forward. Be quick to apologize and slow to blame.   This will take work from both sides, but if it's important enough, stick to it!

Is your relationship worth saving? If so, I’ve described in this article how to save a relationship.

T "Dub" sent me an email letting me know he had a new video on "How to Get Your Ex Back" so here's the link. Please let me know what you thought about it, ok?

If you are interested in looking at the Magic of Making Up From T "Dub", here is the Link Here!. Good Luck!

How To Stop The Divorce - Because You Are Still In Love

Marriage or long term relationship on the rocks?  Maybe already in the process of separation or divorce?
Maybe you just want to get back with the ex?

Wanna stay together?  Having issues, but you're still in love with each other?  Just don't know how to get out of all the frustration and aggravation of a troubled relationship?

It's NOT too late!

T "Dub" Jackson, author of The Magic of Making Up has helped MANY people get back together again, despite some very real issues going on in their lives. 

The bottom line is . . .

Are you still in love and want to stay together, but you just don't know how to get past all of the "junk" in your lives right now?

Is there still a spark and you want it all back?

Check out T "Dub" Jackson's book The Magic of Making Up and turn that spark back into the FIRE it used to be!

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