Tuesday, January 26, 2010

FREE REPORT - Fun Dates On A Budget - Interactive Related Section

Interactive Events

Wine Tasting - Do you have a wine and spirits store close by? They may offer wine tasting events. They may even offer classes on how to make certain mixed drinks.

Beer Brewing - Many ale houses offer customers a chance on certain nights to see how beer is made. This is actually a fun process to view and definitely rates up there as a “different date”. You will both end up having a good time.

Book Signings - Are either of you readers? Is your favorite author coming to town and doing a book signing? I’ve only done this a few times, but when I know it’s an author I really enjoy reading and I have a book already from this author on my shelves, heck, yeah! It’s something you already have and you are adding value in the way of having an authentic signature in your book. HINT: Keep your ears peeled as you usually have some unusual people at these events and it’s great to hear the stories being passed around.

Art Galleries - If either of you is into art, check out the internet and see what’s available in your area. It doesn’t cost anything, you get to see some awesome stuff and it gives you a chance to get to know each other’s taste in art. Finish off your date by getting a cup of coffee or an ice cream afterwards.

Do you live near a port? Living in Southern Florida, I have access to the Miami Seaport close by. Hopping into the car and going to the port to watch the cruise ships come in or go out and waving to everyone sounds hokey, but it’s fun! We usually walk on South Beach afterwards or get an ice cream. Hey, it’s something to do and you get to talk about where you’ve been or where you’d like to go. If you and your date get serious later on, you’ll know where she’d like to visit, right?

Local Concerts - Do you have a local park where they hold free concerts?
You can usually find these in the Sunday sections of your local newspaper under “local happenings”. (In Southern Florida, this is actually in the Friday paper)

Local Park? We have about 6 good sized parks nearby to where I live and they all offer different classes/courses/lessons at different times. Tennis, swimming, shuffleboard, basketball . . . You name it, we’ve seen signs as we pass by of free lessons available at different times of the year.

We also have one of the parks that have those BIG water slides to play on during the hot months. If you go at a certain time of the day it can be less expensive and then there are the weekends where they advertise “resident rates” and you can enjoy playing/sliding the whole day for a very inexpensive fee. So it may be worth your while to check out the local parks in your area to see what they offer and when.

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