Tuesday, January 26, 2010

FREE REPORT - Fun Dates On A Budget - Food Related Section


Times are tough right now and money is tight. Is there anyone who is NOT feeling the money crunch right now?

Where does that leave you when you’ve just met the most incredible person and want to go on a date? Or you and your spouse still have “date night” (if you don’t, you should!) Or you’re back with your ex and one of the complaints was “we never go anywhere!” So you KNOW you have to do something!

You want to go on LOTS of dates to spend time with this person, but you don’t have a lot of cash left over after all the bills are paid, and maybe all the bills can’t even get paid. It happens and more often than most people realize.

You want to be with this person more often, maybe all the time, but there’s no cash left over in the wallet . . .

Well . . .

I asked a few of my friends if we could brainstorm a bit and we came up with some GREAT DATE IDEAS!

These will all cost either VERY LITTLE or NOTHING AT ALL!

And, best of all, you get to spend time with that special person you’ve just met that you’re crazy about and really want to know better. It could be your spouse or partner that you want to show off and you just want to have fun with. Or maybe it’s your ex and you KNOW you have to go out more because she told you that was one of the problems . . .

So, what are you waiting for?

Continue on and find out where you’re going to be taking that special person!
Here we go . . .

Ok, I tried to split these up a bit into categories and some of them just didn’t want to fit into a “box”. Hmmm, you’ll see what I mean!

Also, most of this seems targeted towards the men, but it really is for the ladies, too. Putting both phrases like him/her, your lady/your man, it just didn’t look good in the text and it definitely didn’t flow well, so, my apologies, Ladies, but I think the men need more help than you do, so I did target it towards them. J

Have fun!

Food Related

Picnics - ok, this “date” is so overlooked, I just don‘t get it! It’s easy, it’s not expensive, you get to spend time with each other and get to know each other’s likes and dislikes. You can make it fancy with wine glasses and wine (make sure you bring clean glasses!), fancy food that you cooked the night before and put in portable containers, and a nice dessert or you can go casual with hearty sandwiches or subs and a few cans of soda or juice. Bag a couple cookies for dessert and you’re good! HINT: Don’t forget a nice thick quilt to sit on AND bring a board game or a deck of cards. Playing board games seems to be something that only kids do anymore and with the advent of video games, that doesn’t happen as much anymore either. And it’s too bad, you learn a lot about each other by playing board games.

Show her you can cook - WOW - My husband and I have some guy friends who are still single and this sort of “date” is the one the friends say impresses the ladies the most. I have one friend, Andrew, who says he is world famous for his lasagna. By the way, he’s tying the knot soon (he still claims it was the lasagna that did it!)

Dessert Night - Think of a fancy dessert that both of you enjoy, find a recipe for it in a book or on the internet and go pick up the ingredients at the local market. Make it together and while it’s cooling or cooking (or whatever!) pop in a new video release into the VCR or DVD player and watch a movie.
No stress, relaxing, and low key date.

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